My web site is no longer available

My web site [noparse][/noparse] is no longer available. Not access to web site in the internet for me and visitors.
More than 10 days when I’m trying to access my site from any browser the site is not loading at all. I’m not getting any error I can the see the loading icon keep on spinning in the tab bar. What is the issue?
Urgent help needed! Lost my website …Now I can’t access anything including my WP dashboard and really worried I’ve lost it all!

Googlebot did not crawl my URL because they couldn’t communicate with the DNS server, or because my server had no entry for my site. This could be because the server is down, or because there’s an issue with the DNS routing to my domain.
WHY MY SITE <snip> isblank white page now?

Please help me resolve the problem, finally.

[FONT=Verdana]Had you tried to make changes to your site just before this happened? There is a page there, but there is nothing on that page to display. If you visit your site and view the source code, this is the result:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="" >
<head id="ctl00_Head1"><title>
    <style type="text/css">
    #container {background-color:#FFF;}


   <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    <img id="impspacer" alt="" height="1" width="1" />
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
        var impspacer = document.getElementById('impspacer');
        if(impspacer) {impspacer.src = '/images/spacer.gif?q=L3MkWGAkYGDkBGL1ZmRlZmt3ZGH3ZGN3ZvHlAzpyZ3RmAwtyZwMyWGAkWGV2ovHmpGNyZwMwWGAkZPHlAzIzWGAkZPHlAzLyZ3RyZwMyMlHmpGVjZGVjAmVmZGHlZGD3WGV2L3xyZ3RkWGV2qTpyZ3RyZwM4WGAkWGV2MzqjWGAkZPHlAzuhMlHmpGRyZwMjpPHmpIECWGV2L2tyZ3Rj-1';}

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There is no other content.[/FONT]