Prepared Statement Failing

Any idea why the Update query below is failing?

It keeps coming up “TRUE” and ending up where my echo statement is…

	// Initialize variables.
	$loggedIn = 1;
	$memberID = 19;

	// Connect to the database.
	require_once(WEB_ROOT . 'private/mysqli_connect.php');

	// Build query.
	$q1 = "UPDATE member
			SET logged_in=?,
			WHERE id=?
			LIMIT 1";

	// Prepare statement.
	$stmt1 = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $q1);

	// Bind variables to query.
	mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt1, 'ii', $loggedIn, $memberID);

	// Execute query.

	// Verify Update.
	if (mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt1)!==1){
		// Update Failed.
		$_SESSION['resultsCode'] = 'MEMBER_UPDATE_FAILED_2126';
echo 'HERE';



Debbie, I would like to help but I’ve never used mysqli… I use PDO :frowning:

If you want to help, check out my other PHP thread on Redirects. (That seems to be the problem…)

As far as PDO, maybe sometime soon?!


Debbie, are you getting any other errors? (make sure your script is set to show them all) Since mysqli_stmt_affected_rows() isn’t giving 1, check to see what it is giving. Also, a common cause of what you’re seeing is due to the preparing failing for some reason.

Try your script but with a little more feedback when things go wrong.

    ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

    // Initialize variables.
    $loggedIn = 1;
    $memberID = 19;

    // Connect to the database.
    require_once(WEB_ROOT . 'private/mysqli_connect.php');

    // Build query.
    $q1 = "UPDATE member
            SET logged_in=?,
            WHERE id=?
            LIMIT 1";

    // Prepare statement.
    $stmt1 = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $q1);
    if ( ! $stmt1) {
        die("Prepare failed: " . mysqli_error($dbc));

    // Bind variables to query.
    mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt1, 'ii', $loggedIn, $memberID);

    // Execute query.

    // Verify Update.
    $affected_rows = mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt1);
    if ($affected_rows !== 1) {
        echo "Affected rows: ";

        // Update Failed.
        $_SESSION['resultsCode'] = 'MEMBER_UPDATE_FAILED_2126';

        echo 'HERE';

No, and the one error I do get isn’t really an error - it is just my own custom error to show what happens when things go wrong.

(make sure your script is set to show them all)

I have a debugger in my IDE…

Since mysqli_stmt_affected_rows() isn’t giving 1, check to see what it is giving.

I already had similar code to what you suggested above, and I get back a zero “0” when I run things, which is strange because after logging in I see the following in phpMyAdmin…

logged_in = 1
last_activity = 2012-03-10 11:52:01

Which means the UPDATE query DID run successfully and log me in.

But then why doesn’t my code reflect that as well?!

This is soooo frustrating!!!


This might be a silly question, are you sure logged_in is ever being set to anything other than 1 for the member 19? The 0 returned from mysqli_stmt_affected_rows() indicates that no rows are being updated.


My website is set up to capture the $returnToPage on most pages, so that when you log in, the log in script will redirect back to the page you were on before needing to log in.

Let’s say I am on “index.php” and I click on the “Log In” link in the page header. When I click “Log In” on the form, I see…

System Error

A Fatal Error has occurred. Please contact the System Administrator. (2126)

…and that comes from “http://local.debbie/members/results.php

If I click on another tab (e.g. How-To Guides) and then I click back on the original tab I was on (e.g. “index.php”) then that page appears properly.

So while my Prepared Statement is running successfully and updating the Member record as it should, mysqli_stmt_affected_rows is not reflecting that record was updated?!

This is soooo frustrating?!


Here is a sequence of what is going on right now…

  • In phpMyAdmin…
logged_in = 0
last_activity = 2012-03-10 12:13:35
  • On index.php I see…

Hello. Log In to access premium content. Not a Member? Start Here

logged_in = 0
last_activity = 2012-03-10 12:13:35

Hello, Debbie!! My Account Help Log Out

…which means I am logged in!!

  • Below this I see the error message…

System Error

A Fatal Error has occurred. Please contact the System Administrator. (2126)

…which is caused by this code not working properly…

	// Verify Update.
	if (mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt)!==1){

		// Update Failed.
		$_SESSION['resultsCode'] = 'MEMBER_UPDATE_FAILED_2126';

		// Redirect to Display Outcome.
		header("Location: " . BASE_URL . "/members/results.php");

		// End script.
  • After refreshing phpMyAdmin, I see…
logged_in = 1
last_activity = 2012-03-10 12:18:37

…which means I am logged in!!

Hello, Debbie!! My Account Help Log Out

…which means I am logged in!!

  • Below this I see the normal Home Page.

  • I can click on any links from there and everything seems okay.

Strange, huh?! :-/


From your description there is nothing wrong with the updating of your row in the database, which means the query isn’t failing. Since the query isn’t failing, I don’t see how (if, as you say, the row is getting updated) the affected rows wouldn’t equal 1. Unless the query is being executed more than once (on the same page, or different page loads).

I don’t see anything particularly strange about what’s happening, something else is happening that we can’t see yet. A little more to go on would be nice, could you show the full page?