Show items only from selected category

First I want to point that I’m newbie in php&mysql and still learning.
I have 2 tables.
1 table:
Cats - where I have:

 - cat_id
 - cat_name

2 table is for images and I have:

 - id
 - caption
 - name
 - size
 - type
 - file_path
 - img_category

I’m trying to make category for my images on site. So far I can show categories list but how to make when I click on some category to show me images only from this category?
Here is what I have so far but when I choose category it show me first image in that category and when I click ‘Next’ I get next image from next category.

            // show categories list
            $q = mysqli_query($con,"select * from cats");
            while ($res = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q))
                echo '<a href="pic.php?cat_id='. $res['cat_id'] .'">'.$res['cat_name'].'<br/>';

             //show image from that category
            $cat_id = $_GET['cat_id'];
            $query = "SELECT * FROM images JOIN cats ON images.img_category = cats.cat_id WHERE cats.cat_id = '$cat_id'";
            $result = mysqli_query($con, $query) or die("Query failed: " . mysqli_errno($con));

            $line = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);
            if (!$line) echo '';
            $previd = -1;
            $currid = $line[0];
            if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
                do {
                    $currid = $line[0];
                    if ($currid == $_GET['id']) break;
                    $previd = $currid;
                    $line = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);
                } while ($line);

            if ($line) {
                echo "<div id=\\"picture\\">";

                echo "<img style=\\"width:100%;margin:0 auto;\\" src=\\"upload/".$line['name']."\\" /></a><br />";
                echo "<div id=\\"caption\\">".$line['caption']."</div><br />";
            else echo "There is no images!\

            if ($previd > -1) echo '<a href="pic.php?cat_id='.$previd.'" class="prev_pic"><span>Prev</span></a>';
            echo str_repeat('&nbsp;', 5);

            $line = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);

            $query = "select * from images order by RAND() LIMIT 1";
            $result = mysqli_query($con, $query) or die("Query failed: " . mysqli_errno($con));
            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH)){
                echo '<a href="pic.php?cat_id='.$row['id'].'"class="random">Random</a>';
            echo str_repeat('&nbsp;', 5);
            if ($line) echo '<a href="pic.php?cat_id='.$line[0].'&id='.$line[0].'" class="next_pic"><span>Next</span> </a><br /><br />';

            echo "</div>";


I gues is a little mess in the code and I’m sorry about that.

Any help is appreciate

One image can be in one category at the time… one-to-one

I had a fun time reading this because I thought you had a table literally for cats. You know the furry things that go meow and s**t.

Your second query

SELECT * FROM images JOIN cats ON images.img_category = cats.cat_id WHERE cats.cat_id = '$cat_id'

could be simplified to

SELECT * FROM images WHERE img_category = '$cat_id'

Try changing this block

           $line = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);
            if (!$line) echo '';
            $previd = -1;
            $currid = $line[0];
            if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
                do {
                    $currid = $line[0];
                    if ($currid == $_GET['id']) break;
                    $previd = $currid;
                    $line = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);
                } while ($line);
            if ($line) {
                echo "<div id=\\"picture\\">";

                echo "<img style=\\"width:100%;margin:0 auto;\\" src=\\"upload/".$line['name']."\\" /></a><br />";
                echo "<div id=\\"caption\\">".$line['caption']."</div><br />";
            else echo "There is no images!\

to this

function getAllRows($dbResult) {
   $rows = array();
   while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dbResult)) { $rows[] = $row; }
   return $rows; }

foreach ($rows = getAllRows($result) as $row) {
   echo "<div id=\\"picture\\">";
   echo "<img style=\\"width:100%;margin:0 auto;\\" src=\\"upload/".$row['name']."\\" /></a><br />";
   echo "<div id=\\"caption\\">".$row['caption']."</div></div><br />"; }
if (count($rows) == 0) { echo "There is no images!\
"; }

Oh and BTW this is a one-to-many relationship (many images in one category) not a one-to-one. Captions to images is a one-to-one (one caption per image).

Now I get all the images from the category and I loose ‘Prev’ and ‘Next’ buttons.

 Notice: Undefined variable: previd in C:\\wamp\\www\\pic.php on line 54

It must be 1 image at the time whit pagination buttons for next and prev. So I can put LIMIT in sql query but how to make buttons to work?

So is my bed… I thought is one-to-one because one image is in one category only not in many…

Those links for prev and next are for the previous and next category, no? If so then just generate them from $cat_id.

It must be 1 image at the time whit pagination buttons for next and prev. So I can put LIMIT in sql query but how to make buttons to work?
Oh I see what you are trying to do now. Look up a tutorial on PHP pagination.

I thought is one-to-one because one image is in one category only not in many…
No because a category stores many images. A one-to-one between images and categories would be where you have exactly one category for each image.

No, for the previous and next image in that category. Here is where I get confused - how to get next image in that category.

Took this from one tutorial. Problem is whenever I click ‘Next’ button the page reload but the image is the same.

$q="select count(*) \\"total\\"  from images";
            $ros=mysqli_query($con, $q) or die(mysqli_error($con));

            $q="select * from images limit $k,$dis";
            $ros=mysqli_query($con, $q);

                echo '<a href="pic.php?cat_id='.$cat_id.'&id='.($page_cur-1).'" style="cursor:pointer;color:green;" ><input style="cursor:pointer;background-color:green;border:1px black solid;border-radius:5px;width:120px;height:30px;color:white;font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;" type="button" value=" Previous "></a>';
                echo '';

                echo '<a href="pic.php?cat_id='.$cat_id.'&id='.($page_cur+1).'"><input style="cursor:pointer;background-color:green;border:1px black solid;border-radius:5px;width:90px;height:30px;color:white;font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;" type="button" value=" Next "></a>';
                echo '';

            echo "</div>";


Ah OK, what you need is to use the LIMIT clause in MySQL.

So you’re probably want to query for the images within the category (as you are now) with the addition of a LIMIT $offset, 1 at the end where $offset is increased and decreased by your Next and Previous buttons

I still don’t get how to create link for next and prev image while I hold both category= and id= at the same time.
I have one page also where I query all the images in the table and there I have buttons and no problem with them… But in the category page I don’t understand how this work.

First, I think you should check your tables. I think you need a category table, it’ll make this easier IMO.

 - cat_id
 - cat_name

 - cat_image_id
 - caption
 - name
 - size
 - type
 - file_path
 - cat_image_category_id

- cat_image_category_id
- name

To SELECT all categories and display them (in alphabetical order):

SELECT cat_image_category_id, name FROM CAT_IMAGE_CATEGORY ORDER BY name

With the result, you’ll be able to display all the categories with their unique ID.
When somebody clicks on a specific category, you’ll grab the ID and select the corresponding images based on the selected category.

To SELECT all images in one particular category, this would look like this:

SELECT file_path, caption FROM CAT_IMAGE WHERE cat_image_category_id = 18

Whit this query you should be able to use pagination more easily.

I know I didn’t answer your “main” question, but starting with the right database design will help you a lot. And if you’re able to display all images from a category, adding pagination after will be much more easier.

By the way, you should check how to use “prepared statements” with mysqli as this will prevent you against [URL=“”]SQL injections. While your code is not on a live website, it’s not a problem but as soon as you want to put it live, I would look into it.

Good luck! :wink:

I have some questions:

  1. Then what for will be first table:

 - cat_id
 - cat_name


  1. When I upload image it will be in CAT_IMAGE.

May be my biggest problem here is as you said the right database design. I don’t undesrtand why 3 tables.

And question 3 -
Why in

SELECT file_path, caption FROM CAT_IMAGE WHERE cat_image_category_id = 18

there is =18?

Ooops… I tought CAT was a… CAT… Haha :slight_smile: I need some sleep :stuck_out_tongue: I saw I did the same mistake as parallelist…

So maybe just renaming some of your field like this:

 - image_category_id
 - name

- image_id
- image_category_id
- caption
- name
- size
- type
- file_path

With this structure, what you have is a list of images. Those images are “included” inside one and only one category.

For example:
Category XYZ includes image 1, 3 and 5
Category ABC includes image 7, 8 and 9
and so forth…

Is this what you want?

So if I understand correctly now (I hope), you want to paginate the images within a selected category?

Yes, this is what I try to achieve. I have this two tables:

 - image_category_id
 - name

- image_id
- image_category_id
- caption
- name
- size
- type
- file_path

For example category like:


If I have 3 images in category ‘Car’ and I choose on index page category ‘Car’ I want to load first image from this category then whit buton ‘Next’ change to second image from this category and so on… That’s it.

Without redoing the whole thing… Give this version a go.

// show categories list
$q = mysqli_query($con,"select * from cats ORDER BY cat_name ASC");
while ($res = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q))
echo '<a href="pic.php?cat_id='. $res['cat_id'] .'">'.$res['cat_name'].'</a><br/>';

<hr />
//show image from that category
$cat_id = $_GET['cat_id'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM images WHERE img_category = '$cat_id'";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $query) or die("Query failed: " . mysqli_errno($con));

$line = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);
if (!$line) echo '';
$previd = -1;
$currid = $line[0];
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
		$previous_ids = array();
	do {
		$previous_ids[] = $line[0];
		$currid = $line[0];
		if ($currid == $_GET['id']) break;
		$previd = end($previous_ids);
		$line = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);
	} while ($line);

if ($line) {
	echo "<div id=\\"picture\\">";
	echo "<img style=\\"width:100%;margin:0 auto;\\" src=\\"upload/".$line['name']."\\" /><br />\\r";
	echo "<div id=\\"caption\\">".$line['caption']."</div><br />";
else echo "There is no images!\

if ($previd > -1)
	echo '<a href="pic.php?cat_id='.$cat_id.'&amp;id='.$previd.'" class="prev_pic"><span>Prev</span></a>';
	echo str_repeat('&nbsp;', 5);
	$line = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);
	$query = "select * from images order by RAND() LIMIT 1";
	$result = mysqli_query($con, $query) or die("Query failed: " . mysqli_errno($con));
	while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH)){
		echo '<a href="pic.php?cat_id='.$cat_id.'&amp;id='.$row['id'].'"class="random">Random</a>';
	echo str_repeat('&nbsp;', 5);
	if ($line) echo '<a href="pic.php?cat_id='.$cat_id.'&amp;id='.$line[0].'" class="next_pic"><span>Next</span> </a><br /><br />';
		echo "</div>\\r";

IIt’s just working as expected and seems so easy… I don’t know what to say. Thank you very much!
Just one more thig:

On ‘Random’ button when hit some ‘id’ from another category it shows blank page. Is there some way to search and show random image just from this category?

Oh I missed that… You need to add the category_id to the condition.

$query = "select * from images WHERE img_category = '$cat_id' order by RAND() LIMIT 1";

Well it’s working perfectly now!
Thank you very much!:tup::tup:

You’re welcome.