Show Us Your . . . . . Taskbar

Or install Chromium and alternate between Chrome and its ancestor. Same but different. Less Gogglier. They use the same extensions.

That is what mine looks like, however I go one step beyond and put it on auto hide.

Is this a new word for the dictionary.

Well that was just too obvious… sheesh!

Thanks for that. Only have one now…


Sounds like some sort of French pre-processor…

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i don’t tend to have much on their as i prefer it clean for when the programs are open. I move between windows far more often than i need to launch the program (or application as everyone now insists on calling them). On my work machine i only have the folder icon for windows explorer. All the programs i use are in the start menu anyway so 1 click and i have the list of what i use the most.

Here is my thoughts. If it is on a computer it’s a program, if its on a phone or a tablet its an app!

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don’t want to derail the OP but that’s always been my thinking as i was brought up on a PC which called them programs. Mac called them Applications i believe.

Win8 seems to refer to them as applications now as it seems to be a buzz word but i think i’ll always call the software on my PC programs and things on my phone/tablet an app. I think of an app as a one-trick pony designed to do a very specific task with minimal bells and whistles, whereas a program to me would be larger and do more things. might be wrong but i doubt it will cause me too much issue, unless maybe i am in an apple store (but then i probably would be thinking why am i in an apple store) :slight_smile:

Yes I have. Surprised you had. Please leave my cockpit. :smile:
Never expected that old compass would come to mind seeing my neat setting. All my “…bars” are autohiding, also all the browser bars. “User-estate” is too important.

I see your point; Topic is “taskbar” and I manage to upload my launchbar.
My actual taskbar just started:

Here’s mine, everything on there is pinned apart from the google hangouts button.

To understand why my taskbar is the way it is, you’ll have to see my whole desktop. (I’ve obscured some icons. Can’t be sure what the company will care about, so being overly cautious.)

In my experience, there were typically two kinds of desktops: those that looked like a cluttered mess of icons and those that had virtually no icons at all. I used to be the latter, and like others, I used the start menu to access most everything. One day (I was probably complaining about Win8’s terrible use of screen space), it dawned on me that my one point of access for everything on the computer was this 16x16 circle, and all the rest of the screen was wasted.

Enter Fences. It lets you group icons into scrollable boxes (notice the scrollbar on the programs box?). And Fences also has what they call “folder portals”. Those icons on the right half of my desktop aren’t actually on my desktop. That’s my user home folder on top, and below that, folders for projects I’m working on. Those projects actually live in a well organized but deeply nested folder structure in my user folder, yet I have them easily accessible right on my desktop.

Oh, and fences also supports paging. :slight_smile:

All my web server stuff in one place. And notice the /windows/system32/drivers/etc folder, which I only ever go to for the hosts file, and it’s now conveniently accessible alongside my other server config files.

And finally, about the taskbar. :stuck_out_tongue: For a while after I started using Fences, I still had the taskbar in its traditional bottom spot, but now with everything so easily accessible from the desktop, I used the start menu a lot less. Moving it to the right edge seemed to work in a lot of ways. It’s less prominent; it consumes horizontal space rather than vertical (on today’s widescreens, we have more horizontal space to spare); and the clock and tray icons are still in their usual spot (looking for the clock and tray at the bottom right is a hard habit to break).


That’s sexy! Gonna look into that

Fences is the best. I used it for a while. I still think I have it installed on my Windows partition.

Personally, I’ve gotten away from storing things on my desktop. Things seem to stay more organized that way. :smiley:

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The water in the second screenshot looks rippled.
Is your machine stable?

All the apps I regularly use :sunglasses:

am I the first linux user? :smile:

Bit wide, it’s on a 3840 X 2160 screen

No, I just keep forgetting to take a screenshot of my Linux setup :smile: I’ll try to remember to do that tonight.

Waaow. that is great. I am interested in this. i have Ubuntu 14.04
How you did that?

looks nice