Show Us Your . . . . . Taskbar

@imondal007 I see you have the “Get Windows 10” icon in your bar - I just noticed it magically appearing in mine yesterday - going to go for it?

Linux Mint 17.1 user

Task bar from scratchpad screen one of two monitors.

Minimal and looking good but what do you do when you have to open a few apps all the time/

Here’s mine

“New users can’t post images” - nice.

If you read a few posts in other topics for a few minutes you’ll be out of the new user sandbox.

In ubuntu, install openbox, tint2 and conky. I use nitrogen for wallpaper that changes every 15 minutes.

From my home PC

Hi. Im a new user, and I cant upload pictures of my taskbar. So I converted it to ASCII.



Yes, your taskbar time says so: 19:37 July 7th 2014. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like large, autohiding taskbars. I have had a taskbar like this since my first computer, which ran Windows 98.

I inherited the habit from my father, and passed it along to my daughter, so now we have 3 generations in the family with taskbars resembling this one:

Believe it or not, this is the simpler, scaled down version, from my laptop. The desktop PC normally would have much more stuff installed on it, so it would contain a lot more shortcuts. I’d share a screenshot of that one, but it’s currently down, pending some repairs.

I rely a lot on muscle memory when finding things, so the order of the toolbars really doesn’t change much from PC to PC. What does change is the order of the icons. I keep the ones used most at the beginning or end of the rows, in most cases, changing them around if I start using something more than I used to.

Yes, that’s Win7 with a classic theme, not XP.

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