Thats it - I quit

Well done to you Spikez!!!

I agree with other that maybe you should start chewing gum! … to satisfy the oral fixation!

I have a large supply of gum on the desk with me - the look on the newsagents face when I bought the entire display box was priceless! one of those WTF? Are you serious? moments!

Good luck spikeZ. I’ve never smoked so can’t really know how difficult it is to go cold turkey, but I have friends who have tried and failed many times. One very close friend of mine was doing very well, but when he encountered something stressful or a difficult challenge in his life which got him down, that was when he started up again. Now he’s married and a lot happier with life, and it seems to help him from straying. And of course he’s much healthier for it too. Good luck!

Thanks Matt! Coming up to the 1 week mark tomorrow - thats the longest I have been without nicotine for over 20 years!

Hey Mike, look at yourself, you should be proud and feed on that pride that you have made it this far. Just a little bit more and you are there. Power to you :slight_smile:

I started at 14 and smoked til 29. I am 38 now. It is possible. Not only that, I am beating most people younger than me at ballroom dance competitions, and rank around 30th in the US adult division (depending on how you measure). There are some great years ahead of you! :slight_smile:

Amazing how many ex-smokers we have here on this forum. That is just great. We all made it through this hard phase.

Spike, I didn’t believe in you, but now with a handful days passed, I congratulate you!

I quite same day I started. I’m happy that even though I was 13-ish, I had enough of common sense not to continue.

…and you are lucky that you grew up in a time where research was out there and very much available for you. When I grew up it was a given that adults smoked. The ones that did not where almost odd.

Thank you Saulius :slight_smile:

I must say that the level of support from the guys and girls on this forum is overwhelming :tup:

yeah congratz spike!!

One whole week – hurray hurray hurray :slight_smile: One week is a long time when you go cold turkey, but you are almost there Mike. :tup:

Yep, one whole week :slight_smile:

Do I feel any different? maybe a bit but not that much!
Also I havent suffered the withdrawl as badly as I thought I would (which was a releif)

So, heres to next week :smiley:

I am sooo proud of you Mike, I am very happy that you made this decision :slight_smile:

[FONT=“Georgia”]Cool cool.

Just think, by this time next week you could run a marathon.


Could luck for next week, Mike! We believe in you!

[FONT=“Georgia”]Yeah, good luck in the race next week, Mike!


A race? Great idea Mike. :agree:

You can join in Andy, just race over to where Mike lives and then do it together :smiley:

[FONT=“Georgia”]“Could” luck ?