The New @Tagging Mod Here On The Forums

ok, no problem :slight_smile: We were using different definitions of notification. I was treating a notification as being each record in the screen dump I posted.

I think this is cool :slight_smile:

This forum really did a great job.

Ok, there were heaps of issues with mention tags being wrapped around inappropriate chars (ie in code and email addresses) SO to make them work now, you need to end the username with a ;

as in @HAWK;

Actually, just a quick test without the ; @HAWK

It’s good but it can see only my network friends or another member?

Any other member on this forum.

ok, after my initial skepticism (because I’m not into twitter, facebook or any other social networking craze) this tagging, mentioning quoting etc thingy is starting to grow on me, albeit at glacier pace.

There’s still a couple of things I don’t fully understand the benefit of. I see I have now been tagged once and my username appears with other tagged users in the ‘tagged users’ list at the top of the thread I was tagged in. When I click any of the usernames in the tagged users list, I am taken to the user’s profile which is fine, but I can be taken to a user’s profile by clicking on their username in any thread the user posts in.

So what functionality or benefit am I missing? Is there some other benefit for a taggee or the tagger by using the tagged users list apart from being taken to the taggee’s profile page when clicking a username in the tagged users list?

If this continues to grow on me, geez, I might even join twitter :shifty:

If someone tags you, it’s listed in your notifications (top right on each forum page) to alert you to the fact that someone has addressed / mentioned you. (Otherwise you might not know… So it’s a great tool for people who are paranoid. :lol: )

ok, thanks for clearing that up for me :slight_smile:

don’t have a twitter account? :eek2: what about facebook? Careful! you mean end up loving social media! :lol:

nup, not even facebook :slight_smile:

If someone needs to contact me they can either email me or phone me :cool:

I confess that I don’t use them… although I do log into facebook daily to play a bit. Some games are really addictive! :smiley:

I’m not sure this is working how it is supposed to be. I try this every now and then but just get an ‘@’ only where @name should be.

@bo5ton; try adding a semicolon after the username. I think that’s a change since this was first implemented.

Do you have to do all 3 steps?

Type @ + username + ;

Ok, I’ll try…

edit: bahah ok that didn’t work… i suck at this.

Well that worked… Only by typing in your member number manually though…

Just type it like this: @ralph.m; and it will come out @ralph_m; :slight_smile:

You actually had to type a number? That’s not much use. So if you type “@”, directly followed by my username, directly followed by a semicolon, it doesn’t work for you?

EDIT: As @ScallioXTX; said. :slight_smile: ^