Using grunt webfonts

I’m newish to grunt and trying to get it to create webfonts.

I have a package.js file

   "name" : "SampleGrunt",
   "version" : "0.1.0",
   "author" : "Jeff",
   "private" : true,

   "devDependencies" : {
       "grunt" :                       "~0.4.0",
       "grunt-contrib-cssmin":         "*",
       "grunt-contrib-sass":           "*",
       "grunt-contrib-uglify":         "*",
       "grunt-contrib-watch":          "*",
       "grunt-cssc":                   "*",
       "grunt-htmlhint":               "*",
       "grunt-webfont":                "*",
       "matchdep":                     "*"

and the following gruntfile.js

module.exports = function(grunt){

       "use strict";


            pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),

            watch: {
                js: {
                    files: ['js/base.js'],
                    tasks: ['uglify']

                    files: ['icons/*.svg'],
                    tasks: ['webfonts']


            uglify: {
                build: {
                    files: {
                        'js/base.min.js': 'js/base.js'

                    src: 'icons/*.svg',
                    dest: 'fonts'


        grunt.registerTask('default', 'watch');

I run npm install in the terminal to download the includes.

I have a svg file in a icons folder that I would like to create into a font in the fonts folder.

The uglify works and I get the minified js file.

I was hoping to include web fonts in the same watch to.