Very Exciting News: Forum Upgrade Next Week

Maybe that’s a sign from above then… to switch to anything else. Let vBull4 be temporary until the search has ended for something that sucks much less.

Off Topic:

I don’t think there’s a problem with this if you style the :focus but I confess that I’m not an accessibility expert… give me a year or so… and I will be! :lol:

Indeed, no forum software will be ideal so a search for the one that sucks least would be worthwhile :slight_smile:

Actually, another popular forum - IP Boards - seem to have more coders that think:

  • keyboard navigation is not broken in anyway and seems to work pretty well
  • while the layout is tableless, forum and topic listings are tables and posts are divs. Much more sensible approach. This makes the content more readable when viewing without styles.
  • the default layout looks more esthetic to me

But unfortunately, I realize a switch to a different forum software can be much more troublesome than upgrading to a newer version. The decisions have been made so we’ll be stuck with vbulletin for quite some time I think…

It’s not, since you should be styling :focus in most if not all places you’re styling :hover anyway, BUT this means you need to remember EVERY anchor. What’s much better is to only remove outline where you have already a good :focus style in place and specifically need/want to remove “ugly” outlines. Usually an image-heavy pretty main menu, or clickable icons, nothing else.

Esp since IE7 will show outlines on :focus if you don’t remove them, but won’t accept any actual :focus styles… except outline: none.

Ah, this was my thought process.

Login (which was weird)
Check to see if any weird updates going on here (there was this thread)
First post was a while ago, assume it happened a while ago.

Welcome back Ryan :slight_smile:

Can’t wait for the upgrade, definitely interesting.

OP was Aug 19th (Friday). “Early next week” was last week (Wed was 24th) - so where is it? :wink:

Was gonna say… ten days. NOT that I’m complaining, I’ve used vBull 4 – take ALL the time you want. You want to take an extra month or two so it’s not a fat bloated useless train wreck that sends users like myself hunting for greener pastures – hell, take all the time you need.

I agree… I am all for the upgrade as I think this forum could use it but IMHO I’d rather have it take a month or two and see vB4 cleaned up and stripped down to sane code then to have to deal with the standard vB4. But since Sarah said it’s a matter of the servers dying if it is not upgraded I guess you have to do what you have to do. I just hope the clean-up process doesn’t take too long.

LOL, where is the fire?
One more week, one month… who cares?

The only reason I want to see v.4 because I’m hopping Spam-O-Matic Statistics
option will manage spammers and trolls with vengeance they have deserved.



You’ve gotta remember that down here in Australia / New Zealand, we are a week a head of you, so “next week” here means in two weeks for you.

Oh no your not… your only a day ahead of us here in the US. :slight_smile:

Sorry guys. We’re just doing last minute testing because I had a freak out last week. The devs and I didn’t quite see eye to eye. We’re almost there. :wink:

Not only that but lets not forget they’re in there upside down too compare to us.


Freak outs are good. Devs sometimes need some whippin. >:)

Certainly, I hope you gave them a good thrashing Sarah and not let they stray from our reasonable and sensible requests. Since we are the people of the community whom will be using the system and interacting with it the most when it goes live.

It’s not too late to go for IPB or Xenforo…

Would these easily import a VB3 forum database?

Yes both IPB and Xenforo will easily import from vb3.