Welcome to The SitePoint Forums

It’s accurate. It’s when you joined this new forum. :wink:

on the other hand, there’s this –

click through to see how that code is actually formatted

i am overjoyed, that’s gorgeous


I just joined today but it says August 29th:

That’s when we exported the data from vBulletin.

Gotcha, I’ll shutup now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh, all good. There will be lots of anomalies that need explaining and I’m good with that.

#I like Markdown

This is just a test of the Markdown

<a href="test" title="title">Test</a>
  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3
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Such as the timestamps on the Basic User badges :stuck_out_tongue:


As well as all 39,000 posts owned by @system.

You can talk to your guys about that. :wink:

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# create a user named 'Unknown_User'
# bio: "A user not included in the import"
u = User.find_by_username('Unknown_User')

Post.where(user_id: -1).each do |post|
  post.user_id = u.id

# manually fix the Welcome and FAQ/TOS/Privacy Policy topics

Off Topic:

As an FYI, I love the richness of the Discourse API in the rails console. It truly is easy to work with.

Well, you’re basically interacting on the same interface as the Discourse code, sooo…

Yep, and I realize that, I just wanted to give props because it is extremely easy to use and you can do a LOT in it. :slight_smile:

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Click through? The mouse turns into a little hand, but clicking does nothing. I see everything as one uninterrupted line, is that formatted?

Click the right-hand-pointing arrow on the far right of the box.

Arg, I think I’m going to have to write a custom style sheet grabbing everyone with class$=‘-controls’ and taking the title attrs of their children and displaying them. Never was a fan of mystery meat.

Salisbury steak, mmm.

A quickie in the browser turned out well, do a dedicated stylesheet will tweak it nicely.

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Great work! Really a step up from VBulletin. Congratulations :smile: !


Yeh congrats to the whole Sitepoint team! Will be awesome to have another community to go seek help from instead of having to always go to Stack Overflow for help :stuck_out_tongue: :blush:

Looking forward to becoming a part of the community here :smiley:


Stoked to see the change to Discourse, congrats everyone on the move.