Will using Google services boost your search ranking?

I’ve had a colleague mention to me, on several occasions, that he believes using Google services will boost his search ranking. He’s convinced that using Blogger will be better for the ranking than hosting the same content on alternative blogging platforms, despite not being able to provide any good reasons for believing so. Now I don’t believe this for a second, but I’m interested to hear what others think. Has anyone read anything that would lend credence to this guy’s theory?

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IMO it comes down to your content. And linking between posts and such, of course.

Platforms that are more developed like WordPress and the like have far more SEO tools available if one is willing to configure their own. Blogger had G+ commenting as an option out of the box IIRC, but that’s not much of a difference.

I’d say…

I don’t believe this for a second

In the grand scheme of things

I’m guessing the thinking behind this is that Google will favour those using their services over others. Though I am not convinced by this idea, but I don’t know the facts of the matter.

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I have previously recommended using Google’s Search Box for improving your SEO Brownie Points. It appears to be working on a site I have with an Organic Search of 80.19%

Recommended with what references? And does that correlate to the use of Blogger vs other platforms somehow?


Just my personal references on this forum. Google does seem to favour their own search box and it has increased my SEO considerably, which I think is far more than a coincidence.

As far as using Blogger vs other platforms I doubt this is correct, maybe try splitting the blog and monitoring “Further Blogs” hosted on another blogging platform.

Google’s Analytics is comprehensive and should the results favour a particular platform then consolidate the separate blogs.

Just my personal references on this forum. Google does seem to favour their own search box and it has increased my SEO considerably, which I think is far more than a coincidence.

I guess that’s what I meant - what data is supporting that claim. The answer it seems, is one use on your site.

Google’s Analytics is comprehensive and should the results favour a particular platform then consolidate the separate blogs.

Definitely good advice. If you’re going to do any comparing or testing, keep on those Analytics and you’ll probably be able to draw your own conclusions soon enough.

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Blogger…errr…not so - we’ve been using it as a blog platform for our clients’ websites years ago, but with little to zero results.

As much as possible though, we’re keeping our clients’ G+ pages active, as well as register them in Google Local (to put them in G Maps) for higher visibility.

It’s only natural to think that Google puts their services in a higher precedence than others, but if you think about it, doing so somehow lessens their authority (especially if they use it as a factor in SERPs). And this is probably why G+ didn’t become the next Facebook.

I think if we use ppc advertising program in google search engeine, the search engeine rankings for our website can be increase.

According to Google, you are mistaken:

Buying ads doesn’t affect your site’s performance in Google search.

Google’s advertising programs are independent of our search results. Search results display on the left side of our results page; ads appear on the right and in the colored box at the top.

Participation in an advertising program doesn’t positively or negatively affect inclusion or ranking in the Google search results. Inclusion and ranking are free services; we don’t accept payment to expedite inclusion or improve a site’s ranking for particular keywords.

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I still believe that google is following their given webmasters guidelines when ranking website and not giving favor on using their services. Because, what’s the use of setting google webmasters guidelines. If they won’t follow it by themselves.

Driving net traffic to your website requires the placement of SEO metatags on your opening webpage. Google offer its services to internet marketers because most of them rely on it as is the most appropriate and efficient search engine.
Thus, it gives more boost to those web pages which are indexed using google adsense and other services.

Driving net traffic to your website requires the placement of SEO metatags on your opening webpage. Google offer its services to internet marketers because most of them rely on it as is the most appropriate and efficient search engine.

These two statements have nothing to do with the OP’s question

Thus, it gives more boost to those web pages which are indexed using google adsense and other services.

According to Google itself, this statement is wrong. See @technobear’s reply above.

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