Xml lower case nodes problem

i am using webservice to get xml result by php


the problem is in the nodes , i got from webservice the nodes in this format ParentNode and other times in this format parentnode

how i can make the nodes only in lower case???

without changing it’s inner values to lower case…



   <ChildItem TestAttribute="ValueCasing" >
	This text Will not Be Harmed!


   <childitem testattribute="valuecasing" >
	This text Will not Be Harmed!

You should get the provider to properly implement the web service – XML is case sensitive so ParentNode, parentNode and parentnode are three distinct tags.

If you can’t fix it you can probably handle it using old-school SAX parsers – IIRC those are the xml functions in PHP. That has callbacks so you can handle case sensitivity in your callbacks and such.