How can i use Social media Hashtags?

Hashtags are like tags in blog posts. Use your main keywords as hashtags to categorize your content better.

how can i put the tag?

#web design india

Which one is perfect ?

Very simple

As… #softwarecompany

Awesome really excellent bullet points …
Nice suggestion

At social media hash tag is very useful for your site. just keep your hash tag small and create your trend at social media. From that you create your brand at internet and also create your hash tag trend at particular social media.

You can use Hash Tags like:

  1. First, you need to identify where your posts or subject fits in. Chances are there is already a Hash tag being used for your area of communication.
  2. Find someone who is already active in your field, and then see what Hash tags they are using.
  3. If you see one you like, click on it. A new list will open in your Twitter, or Facebook or Google+ that will only include all posts with the given Hash tag.
  4. Look at the other Hash tags being used as well.
  5. Create a list for yourself of Hash tags that you would be a part of, and start using them.