How to get server access?

How do I gain access to a web server? I’d like to take advantage of the Learnable/New Relic offer, but I’m pretty much a programming newbie, and don’t have any web or mobile apps that I can deploy New Relic to. The folks at Learnable have told me that “all” I need is server access, which I understand is no small thing. How do I gain server access or set up a web server? Is that even a reasonable goal for a newbie? Am I swimming in deep (or shark-infested) water here?

Do you have a website of your own?

Hi nfreed. That’s a good question. Actually, it’s very easy to get your own web hosting. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of web hosting companies out there, and some offer very cheap web hosting if you just want to dip your toe.

Typically, you sign up for an account, pay the fee, and they send you details of how to get your site/app online.

There are also places where developers can sign up for free hosting that allows them to test various kinds of software. I’m thinking of services like However, I don’t know if you can use the New Relic software with something like this, and I expect not.

What do you want to use the New Relic software with? A web site, or an app, or …?

Not web hosting; web server access—I assume at root or administrator level. I need to install and implement specific code to run New Relic’s software. I’m told that going through cPanel is not enough; I have to have access to the command line. And that most web hosts (at least, the ones available to the general public) won’t allow that.

And no, I don’t currently have a website of my own, although I could get a free one relatively easily. But that won’t help me (see caveat above).

Oh—and just to be clear, and in the interests of transparency, I don’t care at all about New Relic’s software; I just want the Learnable subscription. I need all the help I can get. :slight_smile:

One option then is to get a VPS hosting account—whether managed or unmanaged. That allows for such access. I guess another option is “cloud” hosting, which I think allows for such access, though I’m not sure, as I’ve not used it.

Hosting/server access is the same thing really. Web hosting involves having access to a web server where your files are stored.

Bluehost offers dedicated servers which allow access to the command line. I confirmed with their support.

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A VPS will usually allow for that too, at a fraction of the cost. :slight_smile:

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Personally, consider your options. You’ll have to pay for a VPS/server, so it may be worthwhile to just buy a Learnable subscription… (lowest plan is $9 a month, recommended plan is $12). That is very comparable to a VPS host monthly cost.


If you follow this book:
You will:

  • learn some ruby + rails
  • build a neat little twitter clone
  • learn how to deploy that twitter clone
  • understand how to install new relic on your neat little new app
  • learn a little bit about version control

IIRC it walks you through hosting your app on a free instance of heroku. No moneys needed

edit: New Relic was originally made to monitory rails apps, it is really easy to integrate in. And heroku makes it really easy to deploy a rails app.

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Unfortunately, I can’t even afford that, which is why I’m going for the free offer.

@orodio: That sounds like the sort of solution I’m looking for! How quickly do you think I can build and deploy this? (New Relic has to be installed and running by Nov. 1 to qualify for the offer.)

you get something deployed pretty much straight away, could probably rock through the book in a weekend if you wanted. plus you learn rails, which can only be beneficial.


Unless someone comes up with a better, faster solution, looks like this is what I’ll be doing! :slight_smile:

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Find an existing open source rails app, deploy it via heroku and install new relic :smile:

That is the faster way, and in the meantime, you can still follow that book and learn Ruby and Rails :wink:


Brilliant; thank you! You win the prize. :slight_smile: I assume you guys will be around to walk me through the deployment if I get stuck (which I’m sure I will)? And what is heroku?

Never mind; I see. Signing up right now… :slight_smile:

I think you’re finiding it out for yourself now, for what I read. And yes, we’re always around (which can be a good thing… or not so good :p)

Thanks! I’m having trouble installing Rails on Heroku, so I’m going to start another thread.

Thread is here, if anyone would like to chime in (@cpradio or @orodio ?) :